The Road not Taken. / by steve goslin

Frost's classic poem stands alone, lauded by Americans who blaze their own trail. It stands alone as an inspiration to me personally as I log and consider the literal roads I've taken and the continuing road of The Search.

The idea dissemination of this blog is actually secondary to the external processing as I reflect and consider what it means to be called to a particular work or a particular life that nature or nurture, or random chance, has positioned/empowered me specifically, to undertake.

It's both an esoteric consideration and a teeth-bearing, pragmatic, real question as well.

Why are we here.

Of all the things we can do, what do I choose and why. What do you choose?

My experience is that we all want clear answers and signs and search for such signs at cost of missing the journey. I love and hate the journey. I'd rather be doing what I'm supposed to be doing. (A common discussion in my household.)

What about you? How did you come to be who you are? What informed your decision for the road you're on?

To wit, what roads did you not take so that you can be where you are today?